Replacement Parts

From time to time the existing parts will fail due to wear and tear, this could be from the window or door hinges, handles, locks or restrictors.  Each part on your existing window or door can be replaced with a new part, this will restore your window or door back to its full working order.  Some customers contact us just to install new handles onto their windows or doors to make them look more modern,  most handles come in a range of finishes.


If its your window or door handle each can be replaced or upgraded to a more modern design. Handles are the point of contact for windows and doors and are victims of scratches or being broken off.

window hinges


Hinges are the operation of your window or door which allow them to open or close. a Defective hinge will allow draughts, misalignment or just failure to lock. can arrange for replacement hinges to restore to full working order.

Locking systems

Lets face it in this day and age we all need to lock our windows or doors. can replace your existing lock for new, in most cases a modern lock is more secure than your existing lock.

Trickle Vents

Are you missing trickle vents on your existing window that keeps catching your eye, call us today and will will install a replacement trickle vent to match your existing one.

Child Restrictors

Did your existing window originally have a child restrictor installed, has it broken off and needs to be replaced, can replace restrictors to prevent accidents.